Star Citizen

Star Citizen is an indie-developed crowdfunded sci-fi MMO set in space that allows players to take various roles of merchants, bounty hunters, surveyors, smugglers and more. The game will offer action combat, high-level graphics, first person point of view and realistic space exploration. It is in development by Cloud Imperium Games corporation and Chris Roberts, the designer of Wing Commander and Privateer. Star Citizen is the highest funded video game ever to be raised through crowdfunding in the history of gaming. There is also a single player game set in the same universe as Star Citizen that is being developed.

Star-Citizen-Main In Development
Hype Level: 12345 (158 ratings, average: 2.99 / 5)
Developer: Cloud Imperium Games
Publisher:  Cloud Imperium Games
Type: Space Exploration Sci-fi MMO
Model: Buy-to-play
Platform: PC
Engine: Amazon’s Lumberyard Engine
Release Date: TBD

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Temtem is an indie-developed crowdfunded massively multiplayer creature collection adventure game where players seek adventure alongside their very own Temtem squads in the Airborne Archipelago. Players can catch hundreds of Temtem and battle fellow tamers in turn based combat.

Temtem-Main In Development
Hype Level: 12345 (87 ratings, average: 4.38 / 5)
Developer:  Crema
Publisher: Crema
Type: Creature Collection MMO
Model: TBD
Platform: PC, Nintendo Switch
Engine: TBD
Release Date: TBD 2020
PvP: 1vs1 Duels
PvE: Creature collection

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Warframe is a third-person cooperative sci-fi MMO shooter where you play and fight as a Tenno, a race of humanoid ancient alien warriors that wear powerful exoskeletons known as Warframes. You wake up from a deep cryosleep to find yourself in the middle of a planetary war between factions. Gameplay consists mainly of shooting and slashing your way through missions in instanced, procedurally-generated levels.

Warframe-Main Play Warframe
Rating: 12345 (26 ratings, average: 3.81 / 5)
Developer: Digital Extremes
Publisher: Digital Extremes
Type: Sci-fi MMORPG
Model: Free-to-play
Platform: PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch
PC Release Date: March 25, 2013
PlayStation 4 Release Date: November 15, 2013
Xbox One Release Date: September 2, 2014
Nintendo Switch Release Date: November 20, 2018

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Worlds Adrift

Worlds Adrift is an open-world MMO Sandbox or ‘massively multiplayer online sandbox game’, where players can explore and design a world full of floating islands. Build your own skyship and compete for resources as you explore a world that is shaped by the players themselves.

Worlds-Adrift-Main Play Worlds Adrift
Rating: 12345 (21 ratings, average: 3.33 / 5)
Developer: Bossa Studios
Bossa Studios
Model: Buy-to-play
Platform: PC
Engine: Unity, SpatialOS
PvP: Open-world
PvE: Flying combat, Monster Hunting Quests
Status: Early access on Steam

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