Space Exploration MMO Star Citizen Is Free-To-Try For A Week – Playable Female Characters Finally Added


Cloud Imperium is inviting players to try out the indie-developed space exploration MMO Star Citizen for free for a week! From May 1st through May 8th, everyone can play the Alpha 3.5 version of the game. Create a unique character with new character customization technology, experience a new flight model that adds gravity to planets, test the newly playable female characters, and explore the new city-covered ArcCorp planet.

To begin playing, simply register and download the game from the official Star Citizen site. Visit the Alpha 3.5 feature page or watch the videos below for more details on the latest update.

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Star Citizen

Star Citizen is an indie-developed crowdfunded sci-fi MMO set in space that allows players to take various roles of merchants, bounty hunters, surveyors, smugglers and more. The game will offer action combat, high-level graphics, first person point of view and realistic space exploration. It is in development by Cloud Imperium Games corporation and Chris Roberts, the designer of Wing Commander and Privateer. Star Citizen is the highest funded video game ever to be raised through crowdfunding in the history of gaming. There is also a single player game set in the same universe as Star Citizen that is being developed.

Star-Citizen-Main In Development
Hype Level: 12345 (158 ratings, average: 2.99 / 5)
Developer: Cloud Imperium Games
Publisher:  Cloud Imperium Games
Type: Space Exploration Sci-fi MMO
Model: Buy-to-play
Platform: PC
Engine: Amazon’s Lumberyard Engine
Release Date: TBD

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