Bandai Namco Supposedly Has No Plans For NA Release Of Anime-MMO Blue Protocol At This Time


Bandai Namco revealed a new anime-styled MMO called Blue Protocol earlier this month and it has accumulated quite a bit of hype so far, amongst Western fans included. Over the past several weeks, lots of teasers for the new MMO in development were released including a gameplay trailer and a character creation video. The game is in Japanese and already conducted alpha tests in Japan this month.

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Astellia’s Second North American Closed Beta Will Begin On July 30th


Unreal Engine 3 MMORPG Astellia, previously known as Astellia Online will launch its second closed beta test for the North American release on July 30th, 12:00 am PDT. The test will run for one week in total, ending on August 6th, 8:00 am PDT.

CBT2 will allow players to partake in the large scale PvP battleground called Avalon, see the in-game cash shop and loyalty ship, and check out the updated Mana and progressions systems.

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Life Is Feudal MMO Goes Free-to-play


Indie studio Bitbox has announced that medieval MMO Life is Feudal: MMO has changed from buy-to-play to free-to-play. Initially announced during their last AMA, the change is accompanied by a host of other new changes such as difficulty reduction of skill leveling after level 90, drop value changes, and more listed below.

Every new member will receive 3 days of Premium subscription and a Ticket to Abella.

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Bandai Reveals Blue Protocol Trailer, Classes, Closed Alpha Testing Schedule & Game System Requirements


New details have been revealed about Bandai Namco’s upcoming online action RPG Blue Protocol. For three days, alpha testers will get to play for several hours each day and try out the four available classes of Aegis Fighter, Blast Archer, Spell Caster, and Twin Striker. The trailer below teases the game’s world, combat, cinematics, and classes.

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