ArcheAge: Legends Return Update Testing Is Underway


The next massive update to ArcheAge (version 4.5) is coming very soon on April 5th and Trion Worlds, the game’s developer encourages players to participate in testing on their Public Test Server before the update is patched onto the live servers. Last week we talked about the announcement of this update and went over the main points of change like the new world bosses, dragon mounts and combat changes. Now Trion has released an extensive and lengthy patch notes for this coming 4.5 update.

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Star Wars: The Old Republic 6.0 Expansion Confirmed


During a livestream interview by Twitch and YouTube channel SWTORCentral, Eric Musco (Community Manager) and Charles Boyd (Creative Director) of Bioware confirmed the upcoming 6.0 expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic! They mentioned that a release date has already been decided, but cannot be made public as of yet. When they are ready to do so, we will be hearing about all the changes features to come to SW:TOR. This news should be enough to dismiss the rumors going around in the SW:TOR community that the game will be shutting down soon.

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Black Desert Online Adds Maewha As 12th Character (SEA)


Maewha, the female blader has made her way as the latest playable character in Black Desert Online‘s SEA version. Maewha becomes part of the roster only one week after her male counterpart, Musa was brought in. Both are sword-wielding classes that fight with oriental-styled martial arts to execute chain combos. Maewha is especially powerful in single combat situations.

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Wild Terra Is Free-To-Try Through April 3rd For European Players


In celebration of the holidays, Wild Terra, the sandbox open world multiplayer RPG is allowing all players from European regions to freely play on one of its European servers. Granted, this only allows you to try the game’s test client. You will still need to purchase the game to access the live servers and live client. During this time, a 30% discount has been made available.

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Ashes of Creation Will Be At PAX East With Playable Alpha Build & Brand New Cosmetics


The indie developer Intrepid Studios will be attending PAX East in Boston and allowing players to experience Ashes of Creation‘s alpha zero build. Similar to the PAX West booth, players will be playing in guided tours across various terrains that are likely different from the areas that were available in PAX West.

For those not able to attend, Intrepid Studios will be streaming live on their Twitch channel from 11am to 4pm EST on a daily basis throughout the entirety of the event (April 5 – 8).

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Black Desert Global Costume Design Contest 2018 Voting – $3,000+ Prizes


Last month Pearl Abyss started the global costume design contest for Black Desert Online. Players designed outfits in hopes of hefty cash prizes and getting their design recreated in the Black Desert world. What’s your role in all of this? You get to help decide who wins. Now the community is voting on which design submissions will win the global top prize for each region.

One user from each region (total of 10) will receive a cash prize of $3,000 USD. Those ten winners will get to compete for the title of ‘Global BEST‘ and the cash prize of 10,000 USD along with special in-game title and their design recreated as a game costume.

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Albion Online Heads Towards Steam – Launch Date Soon


As a PvP sandbox MMORPG and especially as one with an emphasis on grouping up with others for advantage in open-world PvP, Albion Online relies heavily on having a large player-base for many players to enjoy the game. Luckily Albion Online’s servers seem to be doing well in terms of player population despite the rough start during its initial months of release that were cause by large-scale DDOS attacks.

Now, its developers at Sandbox Interactive have announced that Albion Online is coming to Steam and that the game will be playable through Steam on PC, Mac, and Linux/SteamOS.

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