ArcheAge: Legends Return Update Testing Is Underway


The next massive update to ArcheAge (version 4.5) is coming very soon on April 5th and Trion Worlds, the game’s developer encourages players to participate in testing on their Public Test Server before the update is patched onto the live servers. Last week we talked about the announcement of this update and went over the main points of change like the new world bosses, dragon mounts and combat changes. Now Trion has released an extensive and lengthy patch notes for this coming 4.5 update.

One major change I want to highlight is the improved regrade rates for all tiers of regrading!

Item Regrade rates have been improved across the board. All paths — Easy, Medium, and Hard — have received a boost to make Regrading more accessible than ever before. All of the new rates can be found in this website article.

Check out the full list of changes here:

For questions regarding the PTS:

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