Albion Online Will Be Free-to-play On April 10th – Veteran Players To Get Exclusive Specter Wolf Mount

Albion Online is opening its gates to all willing players next month! On April 10th, the indie-developed sandbox MMORPG will become a free-to-play game. The change will apply to all platforms. A new generation of players will join the fight in the PvP-heavy world of Albion.
The Specter Wolf mount will be given as an exclusive thank you gift to all veteran players with Founder or Starter Packs. The Specter Wolf has all of the stats of a Direwolf, but with a ghostly look.
A 34% discount is currently being offered for all packs until April 10th. For more details on the transition, visit the official Albion Online site.
Why are you making this change now?
Overall, the game is doing very well. We have a fully staffed development team of 35 people, just released our sixth major post-release update, and have a stable and growing player population.
However, we’re also convinced that Albion Online can be taken much further. Our mission is to bring back that old-school, hardcore MMORPG feeling, to as many players as possible.
The excuse the dev used to make this dumpster fire to go from B2P to F2P is so sad it’s not even funny. That’s what you get for being greedy.