ArcheAge Server Merges Aka ‘Evolutions’ Are Coming To NA & EU On October 17th

To better balance the game’s server populations, several ArcheAge servers will be merged, or “evolved”, as Trion Worlds calls it on October 17-18. Both North American and European servers will be affected. While the new server names have not been finally chosen yet, we know which servers will be merged.
NA EVOLUTION 1: Aranzeb, Kyrios, Reckoning, Vengeance, Kraken
NA EVOLUTION 2: Conviction, Thunderwing
Nui remains as is.
EU EVOLUTION 1: Shatigon, Eanna, Prophecy
EU EVOLUTION 2: Tempest, Retribution
For more information on the upcoming server evolutions, visit the official ArcheAge site.