Bless Online Will Let You Tame Over 660 Unique Creatures & Enemies


One of the largest and most complex systems in Bless Online is its taming system and Neowiz is quick to draw attention to the extremely wide array of pet and mounts that are tamable in the game’s open world. Neowiz claims that when early access begins, players will find 660 unique creatures available for taming. Does that include the humanoid NPC enemies that are tamable as minions/servants? Who knows? 660 is a hard number to verify. Granted, in my experience playing Bless I would say that I have tamed at least three or four hundred different creatures, so the number isn’t far fetched at all.

“Although it may be difficult, if you are successful in taming it you will gain a special companion.

As you tame more and more monsters, your taming level increase and your character will become more skilled at taming. You will also then be able to have more monsters as pets or mounts! However, that’s not all! In Bless, players can level up tamed monsters and enjoy the beneficial effects that they provide.”

Source: Bless Online Site, Press Release

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