Bless Unleashed Open Beta Is Live For One More Week

Bless Unleashed, the new MMORPG on Xbox One has launched its open beta. Bless Unleashed shares the same lore and world as the previously shut-down PC MMORPG Bless Online. The game is published by Bandai Namco. The beta is set to run from November 7th to November 21st. You can start your adventure by downloading the game from the Xbox Microsoft Store.
Remember, everyone who participates in the Bless Unleashed open beta will be receiving the special title, “Breaker of Games”. For players looking for a challenge, the title of “Dungeon Breaker” can be earned by defeating all of the Dungeons, Lairs, and Arena Challenges available in the open beta! You must link your BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment and Xbox Live accounts in order to receive these exclusive open beta rewards, and all of these rewards will be delivered at launch.
Changes from the closed beta include an increase in the level cap from Level 20 to Level 30, new story-line zones, new field bosses, new arenas, new dungeons, new PvP mode, new controller layouts, and more.
The storyline will now take the player through the following zones:
- Dream Dungeon
- Telarion Festival (if they so choose)
- Carzacor
- Navarra
- Gnoll Wastes
- Ruins of Tristezza (NEW!)
- Sperios (NEW!)
- Padana Ruins (NEW!)
- Kannus Mountains (NEW!)
- Battlefields become available at level 20!
- This 15v15 PvP Mode matches players in a battle to control several areas on the map!
- This will be available at level 30 at release, it is only available at level 20 during open beta for testing purposes.
- World PvP now unlocks at level 30.
For more details on the Bless Unleashed open beta, check out the patch notes on the game’s official site.