Peria Chronicles Releases Two New Kirana Combat Gameplay Feature Videos Prior To Upcoming Closed Beta In Korea


Nexon has released two new Peria Chronicles feature trailers showcasing the combat style of the Kiranas Triven and Tominia. Kiranas are powerful beings that form contracts with humans to lend them their powers. They come in different shapes and sizes. In the game, some Kiranas are in conflict with humans and others fight alongside them. This is the cornerstone of the combat system in Peria Chronicles. Some Kiranas can be summoned, some can aid players as weapons and some can do both. Watch the two trailers below to see them in action.

The first Korean closed beta for Peria Chronicles is set to launch on May 9th. The beta will last for just four days until May 12th. Those with verified Korean Nexon accounts and Korean phone numbers can sign up for a chance to be chosen to participate in the testing the game. Sign ups began on April 18th and will end on May 2nd. Let’s hope that this testing phase will not be under NDA so that we can see actual gameplay footage of the current state of the game and the experience that Peria has to offer.

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Spiritwish (스피릿위시) is an isometric/side-scrolling mobile MMORPG that offers a fantasy world that is rich in lore, action, dungeons, and adorable monsters. The game has many similarities to Tree of Savior in terms of dungeon bosses, quests, cut-scenes, NPCs and world-design. In Spiritwish, players create their own teams of three characters to control.

Spiritwish-Main Play Spiritwish
Rating: 12345 (9 ratings, average: 3.44 / 5)
Developer:  Neon Studio, Nexon
Publisher: Nexon Korea
Type: Turn-based MMORPG
Model: Free-to-play
Platform: Android & iOS Mobile Devices
Status: Released in Korea
Korean Release Date: January 17, 2019
English Release Date: Not yet confirmed

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Spiritwish Release Dates – Korea, NA/EU/Global English Alpha, Beta, Live Launch Schedules


Below are the known released dates for Spiritwish, the new mobile isometric/side-scroll mobile MMORPG created by Neon Studio, a developer subsidiary company of Nexon. Spiritwish is the mobile spiritual successor of Tree of Savior.

Spiritwish Korean BetasClosed BetaOctober, 2018
Spiritwish Korean LaunchFull LaunchJanuary 16, 2019
Spiritwish English BetasNot yet confirmedNot yet confirmed
Spiritwish English (NA/EU/Global) Full ReleaseNot yet confirmedNot yet confirmed

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Tree of Savior

Tree of Savior (트리 오브 세이비어) is an isometric MMORPG or ‘massively multiplayer online role-playing game’ set in world plunged into chaos where you embark on a journey to search and rescue the goddesses. The game was developed by Kim Hakkyu, creator of Tree of Savior’s spiritual predecessor Ragnarok Online. The game’s background music was done by various groups and artists like SoundTeMP, the team responsible for the soundtracks of Ragnarok Online and Granado Espada.

Tree-of-Savior-Main Play Tree of Savior
Rating: 12345 (48 ratings, average: 3.31 / 5)
Developer: IMC Games Co.
South Korean Publisher: Nexon Korea
European Publisher: IMC Games Co.
North American Publisher: IMC Games Co.
South America Publisher: IMC Games Co.
Model: Free-to-play
Platform: PC
PvP: Duels, Arenas
PvE: Monster Hunting, Quests, Dungeons, World Bosses

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