Peria Chronicles Closed Beta Testing Begins In Korea – Nexon Accounts With Access Are Hard To Come By

A select group of beta testers in South Korea are now playing Nexon‘s long-awaited cel-shaded sandbox MMORPG Peria Chronicles! The beta began earlier today and will be running until May 12th. Testing is scheduled to run for 8 hours per day in the first two days and for 13 hours per day in the last two days. While the client download links ( are now public, the current testing phase is a closed beta, so most eager fans must continue their wait to try the game.
To play Peria Chronicles now, you will need a Nexon account that has been granted access to join. They are quite rare at the moment since only a small group were selected by Nexon from those who registered and completed the application survey. I have personally been asking around and searching through various beta key sites and have not found a single account in the market. We will have to wait for a larger test for a significant chance to test the game.
Thankfully there are some streamers and YouTubers who did gain access, so we can at least explore and experience Peria’s gameplay through them in the clips below.
I got one, will ay tonight.
Do you stream it?