Project: Gorgon Open Beta On Steam Receives Very Positive Reviews

Earlier this week, Elder Games Studio launched the open beta of Project: Gorgon on Steam on March 12, 2018. The game is known for staying true to classic gameplay experience, having little to no training wheels or hand-holding, as well as adult content and humorous quests.
So far the reviews are at the Very Positive level with most pros including the old school gameplay vibes, class-less progression, extensive crafting and adult humor. The cons are overwhelmingly about the graphics being outdated, but also lots of mentions of the $40 pricing being too high for what the game has to offer. Take into consideration that players have only had less than a week to play the game, so we will keep an eye and see how the ratings evolve. Keep an eye out as we will be doing an extensive review of Project: Gorgon’s open beta as well!
Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) featuring an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We don’t guide you through a world on rails, and as a result, there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill-based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.
How can I play it?
Project: Gorgon is purchasable as an early-access game on Steam for $40 ($30 currently with 25% discount).