The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset Arrives On June 5, PTS Testing Begins On April 16

The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset is set to go live on June 5, but those eager to experience the upcoming major game update will be able to test it all on the game’s Public Test Server this month. ESO: Summerset will go live on the the PTS on April 16 and will include the entirety of the new Chapter and Update 18. Access to the PTS will be limited to PC/Mac players.
Any player can install and log in to the PTS client to test the base game changes coming with Summerset, but only PTS testers will be able to visit Summerset or experience the new Chapters’ features. A large group of PTS testers will be invited to check every nook and cranny of Summerset. Players who participated in the ESO: Morrowind beta tests last year are also by default invited as PTS testers.
Keep in mind that while players are allowed to stream and share their impressions of content on the PTS, there is a strict NDA on the Summerset questline and story until May 1.
“To ensure that the new adventure’s story is not spoiled for our fans, you will be required to agree to a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) upon login. This NDA is specific to the Summerset main quest and its story, but you are free to stream and talk about anything you experience in Summerset with the exception of the Chapter’s main story line beyond its first quest (titled “The Queen’s Decree”). You can share any other quest lines (such as the Psijic Order) or side quests you find.”
ESO: Summerset offers the following:
- A new zone, Summerset
- A new main story quest (partly under NDA until May 1)
- A new Psijic Order Skill Line and adventure
- Jewelry Crafting
- A new Trial, Cloudrest
- New group activities, Abyssal Geysers
- New item sets
Update 18 new features:
- PvP Improvements and Additions
- Crown Store Gifting
- Daily Login Rewards
- Assorted balance changes & performance improvements
- Battlegrounds moving to base game