Explore The Eastern Hiram Mountains & Win Event Prizes For Live Servers In ArcheAge’s Test Server


In celebration of ArcheAge‘s upcoming Echoes of Hiram content update, the ArcheAge Team is holding an event extravaganza on the game’s PTS (Public Test Server). Testers will be able to explore the new Eastern Hiram Mountains and win event prizes for their characters in the live servers. Festivities begin on June 24th 9AM PDT.

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ArcheAge is a sandbox MMORPG or ‘massively multiplayer online role-playing game’ set in the world of Erenor, a vast and mysterious world filled with unclaimed land as far as the eye can see. The game offers a variety of unique features such as a judicial and trial system for outlaws, very realistic ocean and water physics, real estate manipulation and more. Other common features prominent in ArcheAge are farming, gliding and trade runs.

Publishing rights to North American and European regions were passed on from Trion Worlds to Gamigo Group in October 2018.

ArcheAge-Main Play ArcheAge
Rating: 12345 (248 ratings, average: 2.85 / 5)
Developer: XL Games
North American and European Publisher: Gamigo Group
Korean Publisher: XL Games
Russian Publisher: Mail.Ru
Chinese Publisher: Tencent Games
Model: Free-to-play
Engine: CryEngine 3
PvP: Duels, Sieges, Events, Arenas, Open-world
PvE: Monster Hunting Quests, Dungeons, Raids, World Bosses

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