ArcheAge 5.0 ‘Relics of Hiram’ Will Bring New Malediction Skill Set & New Zone On October 24th

The newest major content expansion is on its way to Western version of ArcheAge. Trion Worlds has announced that ArcheAge’s 5.0 expansion called ‘Relics of Hiram’ will arrive on October 24th. Relics of Hiram (5.0+) will add the first ever new skill set called ‘Malediction’. This means that players will be able to play with a total of 45 new class combinations!
- New skill set: Malediction
- 45 new class combinations
- Increased Ancestral Level Cap from 7 to 34
- New Auroria zone: Western Hiram Mountains
- Ability to customize floors, walls, and ceilings for small and medium-sized houses
- Achievements for collecting ArcheAge mounts
- Changes to how tradepacks are valued (now based on duration)
- New tempering system
- Ability to queue for multiple arenas
Trion Worlds has set several servers to be “evolved” or merged one week prior to the arrival of Relics of Hiram. The ArcheAge team will show off the upcoming expansion during a Twitch livestream event on October 19th at 1:30 pm PDT.
For more information, visit the official ArcheAge site.