Old School Runescape Mobile Testing Begins With 5,000+ Beta Testers


Development for Old School Runescape Mobile seems to be on track with more than 5,000 beta invites recently sent out by Jagex. Runescape, the classic fantasy MMORPG currently has two versions. The modern version of the game uses a new and more powerful engine with modern eye-pleasing graphics and updated combat and skill system. In 2013, Jagex released a 2007 version of the game known as Old School Runescape (2007scape) to please players who prefer the game in its original state before major core gameplay updates. Both will come out with mobile versions, but Old School Runescape Mobile will be launching first.

It’s been 17 years since Runescape initially launched and while it is still one of the most played MMORPG today, it is not surprising that Jagex is extending their grasp to another platform. The rapid growth of the mobile MMO market has enticed many MMORPG developers as we’ve seen with the recent releases of so many mobile versions of old-school MMORPGs like Lineage II Revolution and TERA M and newer MMORPGs like Black Desert Mobile and Blade & Soul Mobile.


The beta for Old School Runescape Mobile is already underway and Jagex has stated that we can expect a more publicly playable version in 2018. Mobile versions of Runescape has been discussed and looked forward to for quite some time now, so while it is completely plausible to release this year, it’s hard to guess its likelihood.

Read about the upcoming Old School Runescape Mobile here. The mobile version of modern Runescape also has its own dedicated page here, but that version will not land on players’ hands for a long while.

Source: Old School Runescape Site

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