Twitch Prime Members Get Free RuneScape & OSRS Membership & Three Months Worth Of Loot

Jagex and Amazon’s Twitch are collaborating once more to bring free RuneScape memberships and oodles of in-game loots to Twitch Prime members. From now through August, Twitch Prime members will be able to claim four different offers each month. For the first month, members will be rewarded with a whole month of free membership for both RuneScape and Old School RuneScape.
- Month 1: May 16th – A whole month of FREE membership to RuneScape and Old School!
- Month 2: June – 2 Umbral Chests (guaranteed super-rare prize)
- Month 3: July – Free Umbral Pack! (Umbral Axe, Umbral Salawa Akh and Umbral Wings)
- Month 4: August – Free Currency Pack! (200 RuneCoins, 15 Keys, 40 Hearts of Ice)
Included in the fourth month is RuneCoin, RuneScape’s premium currency which can be used to purchase cosmetic outfits, titles, achievement banners, new animations, bank space, and more.
If you’re already a Twitch Prime member, visit the Prime Loots page to claim your RuneScape rewards. If not, you can start a free trial and still claim rewards.