Ultima Online Will Be Free-to-Play World Wide On April 5 With “Endless Journey”


The Dev Team behind the old-school MMORPG Ultima Online has announced that Ultima Online is anticipated to receive their Publish 99 update world wide on April 5, 2018 which includes the addition of the ‘Endless Journey’. ‘Endless Journey’ will replace the traditional 14 day free trial to let players experience the Ultima universe for as long they wish with some restrictions. The option to pay a monthly subscription still remains.

Shards will be brought down at 10:30am ET. We anticipate the downtime will last approximately 3 hours.

Who can play for free?

The option to play without subscription will be available to veteran accounts that have been inactive for 120 days or more and to all newly created accounts.

What can Endless Journey player do?

While players are able to traverse all lands and dungeons freely and be friended to a public house, there’s long list of restrictions like the inability to place housing and participate in city elections or governorship. Here is a list comparing what Veterans and Endless Journey players can and cannot do.


Endless Journey


Access Requirements Monthly Subscription New accounts or 120 days after a veteran account becomes inactive. No subscription required.
Skill Cap 720 720
Ultima Store Yes Yes
Veteran Rewards Can claim rewards in game and gain new rewards Cannot claim rewards in game or gain new rewards
Use Veteran Reward Items Yes Yes
Holiday Gifts Yes No


Placement Yes No
Co-Owner or Traded/Friend Yes Cannot co-own or be traded a house. Can be friend to house only for wall safe security.
Access Normal Public Houses Only
Place Vendors Yes No
Rental Vendors Yes No
Wall Safe Yes Yes
Lockdown/Secure Containers Yes No
Access Mailboxes Yes No
Interact with Player Vendors Yes Yes
Drop logs/ingots (and other stackable items) on a locked down pile Yes No
Safe logout in houses Yes Inns & Taverns Only
Auction Safe Placement Yes No


Felucca Dungeons & Felucca T2A Yes Yes


General Chat Yes Yes
Help Yes Yes
Global Direct Messaging Yes Yes


Character Transfer Tokens Yes, with purchase of token Yes, with purchase of token
Character Creation All All shards, limited to 2 characters on new Endless Journey accounts
Character Copy & TC1 Access Yes No/Yes

Expansions, Boosters, and Theme Packs

Up to Mondain’s Legacy Yes, included Yes, included
Stygian Abyss Yes, included Yes, included (not active yet)
High Seas If purchased If purchased
Gothic/Rustic If purchased If purchased
King’s Collection If purchased If purchased
Time of Legends If purchased If purchased


Bank Box Yes No
Guilds Yes Cannot create new guilds but can join existing ones
Resource Harvesting Restrictions None Yes-No 2x Felucca Bonus

-Only basic ore & wood

-No sand or stone

Vice vs Virtue Yes Can participate in VvV but do not gain occupation points in active towns
Do Repeatable Quests Yes Yes
Use the Bag of Sending & Chest of Sending Yes No
Use the Bracelet of Binding Yes Yes
Use Pet Summoning Balls Yes Yes
Do Community Collections Yes Yes
Use Commodity Deeds Yes No
Use Scrolls of Alacrity, Power, Stat, and Transcendence Yes Yes
Protect or be Protected by Another Player via the Justice
Yes No
Use the Justice Virtue Yes No
Gain Justice Points Yes No
Use Valor, Compassion, Honesty, Honor, Humility, Sacrifice,
and Spirituality Virtues
Yes Yes
Receive Scrolls from Champ Spawns Yes No
Use Power Scrolls Yes Yes
Receive Rewards, Monster Kill Points, or Virtue Points from
Champ Spawns
Yes No
Receive Mondain’s Legacy Resource Rewards Yes Yes
EM Event Items Yes No
Attack EM Event Creatures All None
Board Ships All All, High Seas ships if purchased
City Loyalty Yes Yes
City Elections & Governorships Yes No
Treasures of Tokuno Style Events Yes Yes
Bulk Order Deeds Yes Yes, cannot bribe up.  May only receive one BOD per day.
Use Pack Animals Yes Yes, but may not mount pack animals with items in their pack.
Cleanup Britannia Yes Yes
Zoo Donations Yes Yes
Covetous Void Pool Yes Yes

 Source: Endless Journey, Publish 99 Update

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