ArcheAge, RIFT & Defiance Publisher Trion Worlds Has Been Acquired By Gamigo

Trion Worlds, known for publishing and developing MMOs such as ArcheAge, Defiance and Rift has been acquired by Gamigo, a Germany-based game publisher known for publishing free-to-play MMOs and browser games. The official statement posted on the Rift forums says that Trion will be under new ownership, but the games they publish will continue on in capable hands.
The acquisition involves letting go of some of Trion’s staff. The full extent and details of the transition has yet to be revealed. For more information, visit the official Rift forums and Trion Worlds site.
It was not long ago in May of 2016 that Gamigo purchased the MMO game publisher Aeria Games. At that time, over 100 of Aeria’s nearly 260 staff were let go as well. Some notable MMOs hosted by Gamigo include Grand Fantasia, Twin Saga, Echo of Soul and Aura Kingdom.
“Greetings — We can confirm that there has been a transaction involving Trion Worlds and its games.
While many of the names and faces you’ve come to know in our studios will remain on through this transition, others will not be making the journey. To those who are leaving us, we are forever grateful for your incredible work and contributions over the years.
We’d like to assure our communities that the games will continue on in capable hands moving forward, as everyone involved is aiming to make this transition as smooth as possible for you. We will have more information to reveal as soon as we possibly can.
From the bottom of all of our hearts, we thank you for your time and dedication to our games and hope that you’ve enjoyed the experience as much as we have. From spending time with you in game, to seeing you at conventions, to talking with you on livestreams and forums, it’s been our pleasure to be a part of this exceptional community with you since our first launch more than seven years ago.
Please know that you have our deepest gratitude. As for our games, we hope you continue to enjoy playing them far into the future!”
– The Trion Worlds Team